Monday, March 31, 2008

I hear your catcall & I raise you a middle finger

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you go out any day or night of the week wearing leather leggings, a low cut shirt & fuck me boots (or any combo & occasionally, any singular item similiar to those listed) you will encounter a variety of unwelcomed catcalling. It's also safe to say that very little of those random remarks of notice will actually ever turn into a real conversation. Needless to say, they are understandable & in some cases an ego boost.

However, it is those occasional days, where your purpose is soley to get from point A to point B, that those catcalls are nothing more than nails on a chalkboard & eggs on your window shield.

Which brings me to the question: Why is it that some guys can so easily "call" you and yet the one you want to hear from isn't a phone call or cat call or even booty call away?

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