Friday, March 21, 2008


Some people are offended by the news because of the Bush administration, puppies being thrown over cliffs and/or a woman airline passenger who had a date on a plane that was not a match (okay, in my estimation that was a date).

I am offended by the news because of headlines like this:

"Harvard Law, Hoping Students Will Consider Public Service, Offers Tuition Break"

I mean, really. Am I supposed to think to myself, well thank bloody lord, those poor Harvard Law Students are being duly compensated for choosing to go into the public sector for a couple of years prior to being hounded by the Ropes & Gray where they will be paid back their tuition five times in one year?

I would just like to state for the record, that Garbage law students have no such incentive and we do not so much as choose to go into the public sector, as we are forced to go into the public sector. In fact, if this is the incentive being offered to Harvard Law students to go into the public sector, Garbage Law students should pretty much just be handed a Mercedes upon admission. News coverage of our admissions might read something like this:

"Garbage, Hoping Students Do Not Mind Working for the Department of Sanitation for life, Offers a Juris Doctorate and a Mercedes."

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Please keep the posts coming. It is my only source of amusement during the week.