Monday, May 26, 2008

Tag Team

Dear Homeless guy @ the Broadway Lafayette F stop,

No, I will not give you change. In no way do I feel badly for you. It is obvious that although you look miserable & unkempt, you clearly have it better than I.

Here is our comparison on paper:

You-> live in Soho & don't pay rent
Me -> live in Soho & pay 1300/month (which is supposedly cheap)

You -> don't have a job
Me -> don't have a job

You -> are single
Me -> are single

You -> pee/shit on the street
Me -> pee/poo in a dirty small bathroom comparable to the street

I could go on forever, but the bottom line is: Stop asking me for money. I propose, instead, we actually take turns @ the top of the steps. I believe I could really elevate your daily rate of incoming change & together we could really could be a profitable team.


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