Friday, May 9, 2008

She is On My Side

Yesterday, I had the happy occassion of finding out that I am going to be still quite unsuccessful and poor, but at least am going to have a part time title as a literary agent. This is pretty good news given that for a long time, my major title has been TEMP.

When I called M&M to tell them that it appears that I might be onto something, they pretended for thirty seconds to be happy for me. However, the conversation quickly turned to how if this is the path I am going to choose, then I am going to have to seriously consider someone supporting me because this salary that is in fact below the poverty line. At this point there was a lull in the conversation followed by M squared asking for my therapist's phone number.

Those of you who know M&M know that M&M have had a therapist for twenty years and there is only one therapist in the tri-state area who agrees to see thme on a bi-monthly basis, Dr. Y. When I brought this up with them, they explained that they did not so much want to see my therapist for them, but for me. I was confused as to what the hell they were talking about so I asked point blank "What in God's name are you crazies talking about?" I received the following explanation: "Spinster head, we want this therapist to help you find yourself and help you get married as in set you up with potential suitors. I mean what are you paying her for?"

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