Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Does Anyone Hear Me?

Three weeks ago M&M told me not to contact them unless I have "good news." I should have asked them to qualify what they meant by "good news." Because quite frankly I thought receiving an invitation to use a degree that they manipulated me into getting was at least sort of good news. It is true, that I am not exactly thrilled about the prospect of this either, but bitter sweet aside, they should be proud that their daughter was capable of fooling said establishment into believing that she really wanted to lawyer.

M&M were not remotely phased by this announcement. In fact, I think they were offended. It is true that we have had back and forth about my next career move. In fact, when a 22 yr. old co-temp got a job as a legal assistant at cravath, M&M thought this would be a good career move for me because then at least I would be presented with the prospect of meeting a cravath lawyer and ultimately getting married. When I tried to explain to them that this would essentially mean career suicide for me, they tried to explain to me that at age thirty I most likely would commit suicide if I was still single. Ultimately, career suicide is better than plain suicide.

Regardless, I should have known that M&M would not be thrilled about the prospect of me lawyering. For one thing, M&M were semi excited about the literary agency position. When I explained to them I see no reason why I can not still be an agent part time, they were semi relieved as they suspect that I will be able to publish M's tragic novel. More than that, however, they reinforced that when they said they wanted to hear only "good news" they meant they wanted to hear that I was engaged to be married. However, they did think it was quite possible that I would meet my husband at a deposition as they have heard of this happening. So, it is sorta good news.

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