Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Your Atmosphere is Contagious

Regular STD & HIV testing is an unwelcomed, but necessary part of being a sexually active 20 something in Manhattan. I understand the 'sexually active' part of this statement may not be entirely true, seeing as though the 'active-ness' takes quite frequent and long breaks.
In any case, after a rare form trip to LA over a month ago, it was only appropriate to follow up with the standard sex check up. Having quit my job & living under new disciplined conditions of spending, I decided to get my check up at the Chelsea Free Health Clinic. For those of you who have not been there (which is 98% of our readership), it is the condemned looking building that was renamed after the health commissioner found it infested with rats (source: google). Another sure fire way to recognize the building is by it's many lawn decorations, otherwise known as homeless people.
While most of Chelsea & Midtown Manhattan is littered with homeless people and/or people that resemble homeless people, the Chelsea Health Clinic in fact fills its front lawn with an overwhelming amount of real homeless people. While Im all up for the decision to not work, I will say being the minority in a park full of people really makes me think twice about being unemployed. Yes, I currently live in an apartment & have a room to call my own, but am I steps away from reverting to living on the Chelsea Free Health Clinic steps? And moreover, if I don't have an STD or HIV as I approach the building, is it possible to contract one as I step over a homeless man, or brush up against a drunk homeless man, or open the door after a homeless man?
- this could be one seriously effective abstinence campaign.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahaha love it!